Thursday, August 11, 2011

Friday, August 5, 2011

Old Friends

I absolutely LOVE catching up with old friends. It seriously makes me so happy. Yesterday I went to dinner with Arissa and Heather at El Rodeo (amaaazing Mexican food). We sat in our booth for over an hour and a half talking. Obviously there was eating involved, but we were never silent. There was so much to catch up on. Arissa and I have recently been hanging out more and more, but Heather and I haven't seen each other in over five years! Her wedding was last weekend and it was seriously the first time I saw her. I can't believe it's been that long since we've seen each other. Anyway, sitting there talking was the happiest I've felt being around friends. No offense to Raquel and Kayla, because I love them to death! But we have little to talk about when we're around each other. I don't really know why, but our conversations aren't very exciting. Whereas with Heather and Arissa we were constantly learning new things and asking each other questions. The conversation never got dull and I absolutely love that. So maybe that's what's best for me. I should rarely talk to people so when I actually do see them there is a lot to talk about. The only problem is I'm a terrible long distance friend. Kayla, of all people, knows that best. We stopped talking completely for months. We both kind of suck at the long distance thing. Thankfully, we're on good terms again, but we still only talk every couple of weeks. I'm just so happy I have good friendships that never die; we can just pick up where we left off, and that's never made me feel so good. :)