Monday, June 13, 2011

Purely Grateful.

So my "brilliant blog idea" turned sour. Not because I had a hard time doing it, but because I didn't do it at all. So I've given up on my idea for "blog plans" altogether. I'll just write what I feel. :)

Sooo today was a roller coaster of emotions:

I woke up feeling okay. And then Nikita left for work. I was so ridiculously bummed for the next hour. So many thoughts going through my head. And I completely blame my period. It has never gotten this bad, but sweet Lord above it was ridiculous! Nothing even worth being sad about. Between nostalgia and pure disdain, oy. Sad day.

Then it got worse. My sister picks me up to take me to work and on our way we both broke down. Hysterically crying with each other. Not only is she pregnant, but the father isn't helping her situation. Between being angry with him and feeling soooo empathetic for Kendra, I couldn't hold my tears anymore. And by the time I got to work my face was a mess. It was a good thing I wasn't wearing any makeup today because it would've been ALL over my face! So I go into the store, still crying hysterically and my boss is completely floored. I've never gotten upset in front of him and I'm sure he knew it was something bad. After I walked by Nick, still sobbing, he came into the bathroom with me and hugged me, told me everything would be okay. Buy the tears kept flowing. It was as if his support and comfort just made it worse. He's just so good to me, and always there for me. I can't believe I ended up with someone so wonderful. 

The work day was just what I needed to keep my mind off life. And by the time I was off I felt so much better. Which is new for me. I'm usually angry with the world by the time I get off work. But not today...that just shows how bad my day was going. 

When I got home, I gained all the motivation in the world. I cleaned like crazy. No joke.

So now I lay in my bed. Completely blown away by what surrounds me. A roof over my head, two adorable dogs sleeping at my side, one of the best friends I have chillin' in a room down the hall, who I feel comfortable with beyond belief, and the most amazing boyfriend who cares more for me than I could ever deserve. That being said, I'll sleep extremely peacefully tonight. Dogs, boyfriend, and all. <3

Goodnight world. :)

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