Monday, July 8, 2013


So after church yesterday, my grandma and I got to talking about how people express themselves. I mentioned I like expressing myself through poetry and Gramma started laughing! She says "Yeah I know, remember the poem you wrote about your fat lip? I still have that one." Yes, in the fifth grade I wrote an emotional, angry poem about getting a fat lip while jumping on the trampoline. You know how detrimental that is for an eleven year old going to school?! I looked like Donald Duck, and at the time I had no idea how to laugh at yes, it was a tragic couple of weeks for me. Anyway, I told her that I still write, and agreed to read her my more recent poems when we got home. Now I will share with all you lovely internet browsers. :) I wrote this one several weeks ago. Hope you all enjoy and maybe understand my feelings.

I'm a struggling soul, unsure where to go.
I've been so consumed by the offers of this world.
I've lived to make money, been entertained by sin,
waiting on You to change me from within.
How can I ask that when I haven't even tried?
I haven't put in effort to be perfect in Your eyes.
I know there's no excuse for the things that I've done.
How could I turn my back on You and Your Son?
I know I've been wrong, but I chose not to change.
I chose to ignore the voice calling my name.
I'll live fearing Judgment Day because there's no one to blame.
Before You've read me my sins, I already feel ashamed.
So I'll ask for forgiveness everyday of my life.
I'm making the commitment to make all things right.
You aren't just my God, You're my Creator, my Father.
I promise You now that I'll be a better daughter.
I'll give You the praise we all know You deserve,
and above all else I'll put You first.
I know I'm not perfect. Never have been, never will be.
But I'll try to be the person You created me to be.
Put the Holy Spirit within me to give me the strength.
I'll hold onto my commitment as You really help me change.

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